Hello!! Thank you for taking time to check out my blog! I am so excited to meet my new students, and I hope that everyone can come and say a quick hello during our Meet & Greet Drive Thru on Thursday, August 13th. I will be giving the students paper resources, which they can put right into their binders.
You may be wondering about school supplies. While we may not use all of the supplies during digital learning, students will need all supplies once we are back in the classroom meeting face to face. The 3-ring binder and colored folders will be very important for organizing materials at home.
Download the fourth grade supply list
During a "normal" school year, I update my blog daily/weekly with homework, curriculum updates, videos and resources. Until further notice, all communication and resources will be sent through CTLS Learn (for students) and CTLS Parent, which is the new platform Cobb County will use for all teaching and learning. You will be getting more information on this soon! That being said, you will not need to check my blog in the future.
Your child should be receiving a special note from me in the mail soon with directions for the first (unofficial) assignment of the year. 😊
I am looking forward to meeting all of you, and I know that we are going to have a fantastic school year! Feel free to contact me with any questions or just to say hello!
Mrs. Miller
Email: Emily.Miller@cobbk12.org